Backed up a very old laptop and found a bunch of cool old stuff from 15-20 years ago! #thread
2003-04-25: Custom Fruit Labels for a Zelda: Wind Waker competition (I think in Official Nintendo Magazine?) I sent them a fake plastic pear with one of these these stuck on.
2005-01-18: grid-based music puzzle game called BEAT HIT
2004-12-24: game mockup “Katamari Christmasy” 2D side-scroller
2004-07-11: reverse engineering “Mini Golf” JAVA cell phone game to make custom levels. w/ hyphz
2004-03-10: Atari arcade game Super Sprint themed T-shirt
2004-07-22: source code (Blitz Basic, Windows PC) for my game Wire Hang Redux, which you can still grab and play for free at (
2004-12-21: various themes for Sony Ericsson K700i cell phone
2002-01-15: source code for my Futurama-themed Robotron clone “Bendertron”
2001-04-24: WIP Mode 7 style kart game “Manga Kart”
2002-03-04: source code for Pang style bouncing ball physics
2003-07-02: beach-themed QIX clone “QUARTZ”
2003-07-02: source code for rainbow block matching puzzler “ROY” - it’s not balanced, or much fun, but it’s still downloadable at (
2000-2003: source code for my Sensible Soccer clone “Simple Soccer” (
2002-09-17: source code for aborted attempt at bringing @armyoftrolls mockup “Space Squad 5” to life
2002-08-23: source code for my entry into the BlitzCoder Stupidest Game competition, Summer 2002. “Terra Firma” still available to download and play at (…)
2002-08-24: source code for my kayaking simulator “yaking”
hurrah! was hoping i’d find this. will rinstate working download ASAP at (
2000-06-10: photos from my first digital camera (a Fujifilm FinePix 1400 Zoom) including some of my first car (a 1972 FIAT 500)
1995-1998: my University Comp Sci directory photos (I was age 18-21)
2002-05-23: original artwork for my Sensible Soccer T-shirt that was sold in River Island stores across the UK (still a shame they didn’t print the lines on the neck and shoulders!)
2000-08-06: email attachment ATT09176.jpeg a photo of forest fire. (Bitterroot National Forest, Montana, on Aug. 6, 2000) (…)
…plus tons of work files, game screenshots and ROMs, failed prototypes, and random stuff I found interesting. Which goes to show that half a lifetime ago I was exactly the same person I am today. Phew. #end
OK, a couple more…
2003-06-29: me taking photos of a big old widescreen CRT showing the Samsung N504 Virtual Light Machine (VLM-2) - still got it the NUON - no it’s not for sale ;)
2005-09-05: my favourite game at the time was a Japanese skill game called “Pendulumania” (version 1.3 A) still downloadable from (…)
2000-10-16: the original Fontographer .fog .fon .ttf files for my font BLOCKOUT (inspired by The Designers Republic but - contrary to their threatening legal letter - actually designed on a completely different grid system!) (…)
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